Saturday, October 31, 2015

PASCA: Penelitian Terdahulu: Personal Finance Education

Peng, Tzu-Chin Martina, Suzanne Bartholomae, Jonathan J. Fox, Garrett Cravener (2007). The Impact of Personal Finance Education Delivered in High School and College Courses. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC . This study investigates the impact of personal finance education delivered in high school and college. Outcomes of interest were investment knowledge and household savings rates measured years after the financial education was delivered. A web-based survey with questions about participation in financial education, financial experiences, income and inheritances, and demographic characteristics was administered to 1039 alumni from a large Midwestern university. Participation in a college level personal finance course was associated with higher levels of investment knowledge. Experience with financial instruments appeared to explain more of the variance in both investment knowledge and savings rates. No significant relationship between taking a high school course and investment knowledge was found. Financial experiences were found to be positively associated with savings rates.

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