Saturday, October 31, 2015

PASCA: Penelitian Terdahulu: Accounting Literacy and Poverty Eradication

Accounting Literacy and Poverty Eradication; Preliminary Case studies in Egypt and Indonesia Authors: Murniati Mukhlisin1 & Luqyan Tamanni2 Paper presented at Thematic Workshop on Financial Literacy, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 25-26 February 2015/5-6 Jamadil Awal 1436H Abstract This study seeks to design a system of accounting records that families and clients of microfinance can utilize to help them make sound economic decisions and in communicating with other agencies. Using ethnography approach through secondary sources, this research aims at analysing poverty eradication models that have been implemented in both countries to understand how to develop accounting literacy that can be applied by clients and families in order to address rural poverty. By having a system of accounting records product that can be easily understood by the families and clients will help them to better manage their finances and consequently improve their life. This aspect has not been addressed in previous studies. Accounting language and records education helps individuals in controlling and directing their activities during the available fund for elevation to target the most urgent areas needed for intervention. It helps improving their business skills and would install confidence and build the self-esteem necessary to secure permanent improvement. Hence the aim is to design detail accounting and management records and budgets contents focus for supervising and instructing individuals on the best course of action. Key words: Poverty, Accounting Literacy, Egypt, Indonesia

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